Updates are hard

I keep taking pictures but posting anything here. With a new daughter in the picture, time trying to grow everything is at an all time low, plus the other kids who are winning lots and lots of coach pitch baseball games.

But some stuff is still growing. Its a weedy mess now that the drought broke. TTons of tomatoes are on the way. Though in the first tunnel I think some of the plants got messed up and weren’t labeled properly. As some of the determinates appear to be in the middle rows. Hard to tell with some of these plants. I’ll know when the tomatoes show up. Unfortunate because we may have messed up and prune some determinates, which you should never do.

A few pics here, showing early June then the last week where its more of a mess. I’ve yet to get direct seeded lettuce to come up properly. I think its combination of the heat at the wrong times for germination combined with impatience. A few have come up but I’ve planted many full rows and not gotten great results, so far. I’ve had to back off of transplanting because its so time consuming, but some summer carrots are at least coming along.

And lots more tomatoes are starting now for the 2nd half of the growing season. Filling the back yard with determinants for easy management.