Spring prep is staring

Spring prep has begun. The winter carrots didn’t do very well. They were planted too late, and were too small. Same with the turnips. Still got a few out. The spinach did great, however. I got 20-30lbs easily. Could have been more. Its difficult to harvest when its not extremely dense planting and the leaves are baby sized.

Helping hands

Now the plants will get choked off. And on sunny days its nearly 80 degrees. I’m hoping that tricks a few weeds into coming up and dying before April. Last year I get started in February. Based on how things grew, thats a bit early without supplemental heating. Its just too cloudy here until about May. A different story if we had regular sunny days.

So I’ll start seeds in March for lettuce etc, and get planting in April. I’ll have the same delay for tomatoes. The early ones didn’t thrive in the spring cold. I see no reason to put them out there before early May when the danger of cold nights is long gone.