Lettuce, lettuce, and more lettuce, then some tomatoes

Been a while since the last update. The garden is a mess but going forward. A few tomatoes have started to turn. And while its a personal best for me, I had hoped they would be out sooner. The second caterpillar tunnel has much poorer soil than I expected, and its hampered a lot of the growth. To the point where the first tunnel has later tomato, cucumber and squash plants that look like they will surpass the others any day now, despite being planted weeks later.

The heat is doing me no favors, either, and a lot of romaine bolted. The pigs and goats next door love it anyway, though.

My turnips and remaining radishes also got burnt up by the heat. Only a handful of turnips got big enough, then they gave up and died. I suspect the fall crops under plastic will do amazing once the heat and pests go away, though. In the low tunnels I used before they were fantastic.

Right now, I’m playing catchup with seedlings, as those aren’t prospering either. Many of my seedlings stagnate, particularly lettuce. I’m trying to figure out the right fertilizer schedule for them to get them boosted up before planting.

I’m also doubling down on carrots, since they sold well. I have heat tolerant ones and some shadier beds. Again, the heat may have destroyed them. We’ll give them another few days to sprout and hope for the best. I really hate waiting for carrots to germinate.

Meanwhile, have a few pictures of the tunnels. My triangle of pollination between them, also called Pollen-grad, is doing better than any of the vegetables.

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