Destroying the weeds

Last week it was dry enough I tilled the beds in the tunnels. They were very weedy already, and throughout the winter the tarps don’t really kill the weeds. I assume because the plants go dormant. They don’t look great but aren’t dead, either. So I did a shallow till to chop them up and help kill them.

With some warm days and black tarps, my temperature widget is recording 90+ degrees when its sunny in the afternoon. After a week I pulled back one of the tarps and the weed seeds have started coming up.

This picture isn’t great, but you can see the thiny little shoots coming up. There are tens of thousands of them. Who knows what they are. Probably grass seeds blown in combined with all the tomatoes that tilled in and the end of fall last year. I’m very happy to see them coming up now and hope to have a lot less weed pressure. Its been a major issue with the spring crops. And I’m getting this year’s load of compost to spread which will have its own weeds to kill the same way.