Tunnel 2 is almost complete

After many hours of shovelling compost, the initial bed layout is done and 2nd tunnel is what I call incubating. Hopefully, it will warm up this week to wake up all the weed seeds in the compost. There appear to be an infinite amount of them so we’ll see how well that goes. And we’ve dug a small ditch along the uphill side to drain water away better. Even now there is some standing water inside the tunnel. Crazy to me how the soil refuses to drain anywhere ever. Below you can see the beds all raked out. They need a bit more compost. I had to underload the carts to make it easier to push them through the muck.

And I got the first sprinklers into the first tunnel, so I can stop watering by hand so much. A portion of the cabbages and a bed of lettuce got frozen out a couple weeks back, but everything else is growing well. The sprinklers make things very foggy.

And finally, don’t leave your expensive monitoring thermometer in range of the sprinklers. It recovered after the sensor dried off.