Expenses and more expenses

My seed order has already arrived, hope I got it right. That ties into my crop planning which will be a separate post. But the seeds were the first in a series of larger purchases for the spring. The recent totals are below. I am showing them because a lot of material on market gardening doesn’t go full into the details of various expenses to paint a realistic picture. Of course, the budget differs by operation.

12/30/21Caterpillar Tunnel3788
12/30/21WP Engine32.11
1/5/22Kraft Paper Roll82.7
1/4/22Compost 15 yds369.15
1/3/2022Grow lights106.99
1/5/2022Johnnys Seeds839.13
1/10/2022Gorilla Cart202.2
1/13/202240×100 black tarp and 30 trays448.74
1/12/2022Jang seeder and rollers546.87
1/13/2022Wood chips 15 cu yds288.9
1/15/2022Drip irrigationj parts386.18
Expenses from Dec to now

And this does not include last years spending for the first caterpillar tunnel and some other odds and ends. At this point, I’m close to what I expected. Remaining are a few irrigation supplies, the farm stand supplies, the walk-in cooler build, and more compost. An unexpected addition was the Jang seeder. I was considering it for a long time and hoped to get away with my Earthway for the first half of the summer. However, a major crop in my plan are carrots.

The Earthway has issues with spacing on carrots. Last year I got plenty of carrots for a home garden. In the commercial context I need more consistency and reliability in spacing. And I should waste less seed this way.

I was able to half my drip irrigation budget. Originally I planned to do four lines per 25ft bed in the tunnels. Totalling 2400 ft of drip line and a couple hundred fittings leading to a $850 cost. Then I realized I can use overhead for the initial plantings. After that the only thing in the tunnels are tomatoes and cucurbits making up 2 rows per bed. So I only need 600ft of drip line and A LOT less fittings. A great savings. For overhead I can use mini-wobbler sprinklers which are super cheap along with the standard poly pipe irrigation line.